Friday, February 28, 2020

IP 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

IP 1 - Essay Example It may be just a movie but helped me settle the argument if everything around me is just an idea or predetermined but finally concluded that everything has physical existence and that nothing is predetermined. Real for me meant a tangible existence that could be verified by my senses. Since everything around me is verifiable by my senses, everything I see is real and that we have free will. There two main thoughts about the source of knowledge. One is the idea of tabula rasa that the mind is empty and it gets its knowledge from sensory experience and study. There is also another thought that posits that the mind already contains some ideas such as conscience and the predisposition to believe the existence of a Supreme Being. For me however, I am more incline to believe that knowledge is a product of study and experience more than a predetermined idea. And this knowledge is subjective. What I experience and learn may differ from other person and as a result, we will have a different kind of thinking but we may have agree on some truths such as existence of a Supreme Being, to be a moral person, to serve society, etch. Traditional thinkers hold that faith conflicts with reason. They posit that to be faithful, one must abandon reason and to be reasonable, one must not have faith. My position however is that each complements the other. Reason through science supports faith. By knowing the wonder of nature and the universe, I became more convince of the supreme intelligence and power of God and thus, fortified my faith more. Human understanding can also never fathom the eternal wisdom of God. Ethics, which is doing the right thing to differentiate from morals, which means to be a good person in a way that ethics only requires following a certain standard of right whereas morals is not subjective. Moral is universal regardless of culture, norm or society. Simply put, being good does not mean following certain rules which ethics

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Quotation Analysis A raisin in the sun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Quotation Analysis A raisin in the sun - Essay Example A clear theme that emerges from this quotation is Mama and Walter’s desires to have financial stability. MAMA: Oh – So now it’s life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life – now it’s money. (Hansberry 522)†. The excerpt from Hansberry’s play represents Mama’s words in Act 1, scene II. Her words express her wonder as to why Walter always speaks of money. According to Walter, success is dependent on an individual’s perspective.. Besides depicting the Mama and Walters’ struggles, the excerpt epitomizes the difference between ideals held by young and elderly generations. Mama represents the elderly generation that views social life as fundamental and promotes family ties. Walter, contrary to Mama, represents the young generation. Walter perceives having money as ultimate freedom, even at the expense of family ties. The young generation has love for money and other material possessions, but disregards f amily ties that promote family life. Asagai expresses deep passion for money. This excerpt from Hansberry represents a conversation between Asagai and Beneatha. The two characters had a conflict following Bobo’s information to them that Walter incurred loss of money in investments. â€Å"ASAGAI: Then isn’t there something wrong in a house – in a world – where all dreams, good or bad, must depend on the death of a man? (Hansberry 565)†. Beneatha expresses cynicism over perceived challenges in the future caused by the loss in investment. It also connotes the characters’ crave to be wealthy. Based on their reactions to the news of loss in investments, it is evident that Asagai and Beneatha value money compared to social dimensions of life including family relations. Mama’s words express disappointment and discontentment about the loss. In this excerpt, Mama speaks to Beneatha concerning Walter’s loss of money. She expresses