Friday, May 8, 2020

Change the Debate About Devices in the Classroom With a Sample Essay

Change the Debate About Devices in the Classroom With a Sample EssayThe very title of this article shows how the debate about devices in the classroom has changed in a short period of time. It's a little more complicated than just saying it's about social change.An essay can say anything about any topic at all. In that respect, it has an impact on the culture and education because the essay that was written yesterday is not likely to be read by a different generation. The sample essay from Yahoo is not likely to be used in the next curriculum, so the change in the debate about devices in the classroom should be measured by what gets used or what gets ignored.The student essay from Yahoo can't be ignored, however. That student essay does have a significant effect on the cultural debate about devices in the classroom. While the topic is obviously of a personal nature, it was used in a very adult setting. That is not to say it doesn't affect the culture, but it is not what is normally m easured by changing the debate about devices in the classroom.What counts is the effect on social trends? The student essays about devices in the classroom show some very strong opinions and more than a few stereotypes. This is one way to change the cultural debate about devices in the classroom. This is not to say that student essays can never be used to argue for or against devices in the classroom, but they must be used carefully.Use them wisely. If you are using student essays to change the cultural debate about devices in the classroom, do your homework. Spend the time to write about real issues and promote diversity in the classroom and you will get results that don't cost anything.I would love to see a school start to use student essays as part of the cultural debate about devices in the classroom. That would bea very exciting prospect and something that could really make a difference in the education system.There are also some web sites where students can submit their work t o a special writer's community. This is something that is similar to writing a novel, but the focus is on more than just the writing skill.Examples of the skills needed are presentation, argument, proof, and writing skills. Once students have these skills under their belt, they can submit their own work. They have many advantages to the process.

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